What is Debtors Anonymous? 

Debtors Anonymous (DA) is an organization that sponsors support groups for people trying to make the custom of the uncontrolled accumulation of debt and financial irresponsibility break. These support groups are working on a self-help model developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). People take part in meetings voluntary and anonymous. The organization is active in all 50 U.S. states and nine countries around the world.

The functional unit of Debtors Anonymous is the support group meeting. Meetings may be held by anyone with a desire to organize the message to promote. Typically, meetings organized by the DA prior participants who recruit new members to support the best companies group when they move to an area without a local meeting or simply want to meetings in a different context to keep. The organizational records the meeting with the principal organization representing the meeting lists in the folder so that people who are looking for a local group can find. Meetings may take place in person, by phone, or via the Internet.

External Debtors Anonymous has the self-help course of Alcoholics Anonymous. It deals with compulsive debt assumption as a disease or progressive disease that cannot be cured, like alcoholism. The organization replaces the label "alcoholic" with "compulsive debtor" in the appropriate philosophy. Like AA, the core of the Debtors Anonymous theory of change is the 12-step program.

The 12-step program is based on the compulsive debtor must navigate through stages of self-motivated to change his habit to check. First in the series of steps in order to give in to the problem. Additional steps include the decision to do something about the problem, self-evaluation, development of humility, and making amends. The program provides the basis for participation in group-term goal setting, and the final evaluation of the success as measured by the participant is considered "financially sober."

Debtors Anonymous also plays an important role in getting people to realize that they have a problem in the first place. The organization developed a self-help barometer of 12 signs of compulsive debt practices, including financial unawareness, poor saving habits, and compulsive shopping. More specific signs include borrow small sums of money and not so well as chronic underfunding deserve to return. The DA website, visitors can take a 15-item questionnaire based on 12 plates. If a person answers "yes" to 8 of 15, he probably has a problem with debt.

It is important to note that Debtors Anonymous is a facilitator, not a problem solver or a debt counselor. It does not give out money or loans. The organization aims to create self-awareness and to motivate people to change their lives. It teaches and encourages healthy financial habits, so that members can make a reasonable living within their means and without the stress of uncontrolled debt limiting their life options.


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